Ekosisteminės paslaugos

Mineral (sand) extraction supply in the Lithuanian EEZ

LicenseCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) AbstractIn the Lithuanian EEZ, there are two official locations where mineral (sand) is extracted from the seabed. The two areas are located in the northern and southern part of the EEZ at a depth of 30 and 40 meters. The location of the extraction sites was obtained through Emodnet Geology (2019) which acquire the data from the Lithuanian Geological Survey. Publication DateNov. 18, 2019, 2:58 p.m. TypeVector Data KeywordsMarine , Sand supply
RegionsLithuania Maintenance FrequencyFrequency Of Maintenance For The Data Is Not Known RestrictionsAll restrictions and limitations are applied based on Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) licencing policy. LanguageEnglish Data QualityThe location of the mineral (sand) extraction sites in the Lithuanian EEZ was acquired from the the from the “Marine Minerals” database from the EMODnet Geology (2019). • EMODnet Geology, 2019, Marine Minerals (emodnet-geology.eu/data-products/marine-minerals/) (accessed on 2019-10-15). Supplemental InformationNo information provided