Ekosisteminės paslaugos

Landscape aesthetic quality of Lithuania

Downloadgeonode:laq_lt_FIN1 LicenseCreative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) AbstractLandscape aesthetic quality (LAQ) of Lithuania (national scale) was calculated by assessing three indicators: a) landscape diversity, b) landscape naturalness, c) landscape uniqueness. The framework was originally described by Hermes et al., 2018a. It was reviewed and improved for the current study, adjusting it to available datasets and geographical location of Lithuania. Each pixel represents the 100 x 100 m cell with low (red) to high (green) score for aesthetic values. The framework fo... Publication DateOct. 6, 2021, 7:04 p.m. TypeRaster Data KeywordsCultural
RegionsLithuania Maintenance FrequencyThere Are No Plans To Update The Data RestrictionsAll restrictions and limitations are applied based on Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0) licencing policy. LanguageEnglish Data QualitySources for the datasets: Abandoned sites (https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?gl=lt&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&mid=1UWpFvGKT-L89BZdDKGtZUlYW11k&ll=55.34757474513067%2C23.30786450000005&z=8) Corine land cover https://land.copernicus.eu/ Digital elevation model https://land.copernicus.eu/ Geological and Geomorphological features https://www.lgt.lt/ Hillforts https://www.piliakalniai.lt/ Heritage sites https://kvr.kpd.lt/#/static-heritage-search Natural monuments https://e-seimas.lrs.lt/portal/legalAct/lt/TAD/TAIS.97360 Natural view points http://vstt.lrv.lt/en/; https://www.pamatyklietuvoje.lt/; http://lietuvosgamta.lt/) Roads (primary and secondary) and Railways https://www.registrucentras.lt/ Watch towers https://nesedeknamuose.lt/apzvalgos-bokstai/ Wind turbines https://lvea.lt/ Population per eldership https://www.stat.gov.lt/en Supplemental InformationNo information provided